Friday, January 25, 2013

Rotary International's Annual Themes – Beneficial or Not?

A highly respected friend asked my thoughts on Rotary’s annual themes.  My response began by saying that EVERYTHING Rotary International (R.I.) does should be examined from its customer’s point of view.  Rotary clubs are R.I.’s customers, so instead of looking at how R.I.’s annual themes interact with clubs, R.I. should examine how clubs interact with annual themes.  BUT – I did not forget to answer my friend’s question.

            From my experience, other than having the theme logo on their newsletter, website, a banner hanging somewhere, clubs do not interact with the annual theme.  I suspect that a more critical examination from the clubs’ viewpoint would probably confirm that annual themes hinder creating a sustained local or worldwide identity; actively promote the ‘this is my year’ concept hampering multi-year planning and execution; deter effectively responding to the “What is Rotary?” question; do not help strengthen clubs or charter new clubs; do not help clubs retain or attract members; and create unnecessary expense and waste throughout the Rotary world.  Some R.I. associates (see branding triangle in the right sidebar) may not appreciate this opinion, but associates are not R.I.’s customers – clubs are.  And present and future members are clubs’ customers.
            My opinion could be swayed if a critical, objective examination from the clubs’ viewpoint could show that annual themes were instrumental in advancing the Object of Rotary, helped solidify Rotary’s worldwide identity, delivered benefits to R.I.’s member clubs, and helped member clubs retain and attract local business, professional, and community leaders.
            If you have any thoughts on this, comments are welcome, but more important, pass your thoughts on to the R.I. Associates representing your club - your District Governor Chain and your Zone’s Director and Director-Elect.  


  1. Jim, I think you hit a very important nail on the head. The issue of consistent and constant branding are an issue. And your point about if the annual theme advances the Object of Rotary is valid. We do have too many identities in Rotary and in many instances they compete with each other, thus diluting the brand. Of bigger concern would be some of the reasons I have heard expressed about disbanding with the annual theme, one being that it would hurt our Rotary Licensed Vendors and their revenue streams as they are so dependent on Rotary's Annual Theme for their livelihood. While a reason to consider, in my opinion it is not as worthwhile as cementing our brand with a solid theme to clearly advance The Object of Rotary. Thanks for your thoughts.

    1. Jim,

      I need to contact you by email.
      Can you tell me how to do that?

  2. David I am on facebook, Twitter, & LinkedIn. There are several Jim Henrys, but only one pictured with a white hat, sun glasses, & blue shirt.e
