“Let’s remember that while charity has a mixed record
of helping others, it has an almost perfect record of helping ourselves. Helping others may be as primal as food or
sex.” Columnist Nicholas Kristof.
Any organization confused about who their customers are
and what it takes to satisfy their needs is an organization in trouble, and
many Rotary clubs are in trouble. Make
no mistake about it – a Rotary's customers are present and potential members, and foundation’s customers are its present and potential donors. Members
and donors are generally motivated by enlightened self-interest.
membership development and planning sessions, participants often confuse beneficiaries
with members. Beneficiaries (recipients,
receivers, donees) are those who receive humanitarian and/or educational benefit
from projects and programs. It is important that attendees resolve this confusion
because long-term growth must revolve around satisfying existing member’s needs
and attracting new members – not beneficiaries – members.
Fantasies can cause havoc in organizations.
One Fishy Fantasy that often invades the minds of leaders of successful organizations is,
"An increasingly affluent society will ensure the organization’s
growth.” This is a fantasy
because in this type society, organizations’ leaders often assume that they do
not have to be innovative and concentrate on
improving what they are already doing.
What actually happens is that they get better at what they are
doing rather than improving the value of what they are doing to their customer.
Rotary, it is important to get better at delivering deeds to
beneficiaries, but regardless of whether the deed is administering a vaccine,
building a local playground, or awarding a Peace or Ambassadorial scholarship,
its lasting fundamental value, altruism, lies in how it improves members’ enlightened
self-interest. So how does the
deed deliver this altruistic value? It engages their emotional connection to the organization; it makes them feel like they are somebody; not just another 'volunteer'; not just anybody. It
gives members the warm fuzzy that they are contributing to someone else’s
well-being; it recognizes them as being a contributing member to their local
and international communities; it gives them self-respect. It engages their self-esteem.

refer to the
Building Community graphic
. Engaged
members participating in
the Productive Zone make it possible for Rotarians and clubs to
Communities and Bridge Continents. Members
will stay engaged if clubs continually present opportunities for them to
exercise their altruism and frequently enlighten their self-interest by
acknowledging their generosity. That is
improving a deed’s value to the member.
The differentiation between members and beneficiaries
and recognizing the altruistic value of a deed is vitally important across the
complete spectrum of Rotary operations. Consider public relations. R.I. and its
member clubs should direct public information efforts toward is most important
audience – its customer. A minimal
Rotary public relations campaign must enlighten Rotarians’
self-interest. An effective
public relations campaign should also enlighten potential members’
self-interest. A superb
public relations campaign accomplishes both and informs the public about who
Rotarians are and what they do.
Rotary essentials:
customers Existing and Potential Rotarians
objective Advance The Object of Rotary
motto Service above Self
creed The Four Way Test
Critically examine
the basic human behavioral principles of the objective, motto, and creed. It becomes easy to recognize that it is Rotarians’
Enlightened Self-Interest that makes Rotary
go ‘Round.

To improve membership
development, R.I. and its clubs should recognize this behavioral reality,
continue to search for innovative ways to engage members’ desire to exercise
Service above Self, then frequently recognize them for who they are individually and as a group, and thank them for their
altruism and achievements.
That’s “improving the
deed’s value to the customer.”