RI now employs Regional
Membership and TRF Officers and has Rotarian Zone Coordinators with three-year
terms. Districts are encouraged to have
District Trainers, Membership, TRF, and Public Information chairs, all serving
multiple year terms. Many districts
sponsor Rotary Leadership Institutes.
Considering these developments and present day technology, what is the
purpose of having district governors? Is
it possible that the position is becoming more symbolic than functional, and why
do some districts have difficulty recruiting - yes, recruiting - applicants for the position?
the administrative position of district governor could use an overhaul. Consider that a Rotarian, usually a past
assistant governor, is interested and chats with district leaders about the
position. Often leaders tell the Rotarian that they would be a wonderful
governor. They download, or are given, a
copy of Leading Your District: Governor,
an initially intimidating 166 page document.
Upon a brief scan, most Rotarians would realize that it is a
prescriptive planning and training manual and do further research, usually referring
to the Manual of Procedure. It mentions Rotary's
Code of Policies, in which they download and read Article 19.020 Governor's
Specific Duties and Responsibilities.
The article's second of eight (8) paragraphs says, quote "Governors will adhere to the
provisions of the RI Constitution and Bylaws." They proceed to RI's Constitution and By-laws
to learn what they will adhere to. The Constitution's Article 3 spells
out RI's three purposes, the first of which is, quote, "(a) to support the clubs and districts of RI in
their pursuit of programs and activities that promote the Object of
Rotary." That's an
idealistic, somewhat exciting vision that opens their mind a bit more.
Then they go to the By-Law's Article 15.090 Duties
of a Governor, to which they will adhere. After surfing the opening
paragraph, they proceed through fourteen (14) scriptures of which any one of
the first three, all related to developing membership, could distort visions of
being an effective governor because, even as assistant governors, they frequently
had not been involved in more than one of the prescribed activities. Serious doubts about being an effective
governor set in, and they cast aside such thoughts.
Leaders panic and go into recruiting mode.
They promise to help while selling the candidates on the positive social and
travel benefits and continually stress that those prescribed duties to which
they will adhere to are merely
guidelines. Then the closer - success is
in the eyes of the beholder - not the district, not RI. One or more recruits apply; one is selected
and proceeds to follow the examples set by previous governors, all of whom, of
course, had successful years (even though
membership continued its decline.) This cycle continues until the position loses
functionality and becomes a time and resource consuming symbol.

We organized a new Passport Club in our District 3790 composed of 7 doctors of Medicine of various specialties, One registered nurse, An Architect, An Engineers, three teachers, three CEO, One insurance manager, One HRO of a big mall, One IT manager, One event coordinator/ same time teaching in International School, One Oil female production business enterprises and a total of 23 members. We submitted our application duly approved and signed by the incumbent District Governor of 3790, endorsed by incoming District Governor Club and paid our club dues to Rotary International via Jane Desmond of Australia last November and till now never heard of positive reply of District leaders and Australia Rotary office. We we want to serve our community and promote 4 way test. thanks Lamberto G. Castillo, MDFPCR Radiologist e-mail add. castillo_lamberto@yahoo.com
DeleteI wish I could help, but I can't. The only thing I can do is pass this message on.