Several years ago,
Rotary International contracted with Levy Marketing Research to explore
non-Rotarian interests in Rotary. In
Levy Marketing’s 2009 report titled Non-Rotarian
Focus Groups – US Markets, a 30 – 45 year old Chicago professional female,
responding to Rotary’s volunteer service activities, said, quote, “I don’t need the title of Rotarian to do
any of these things, I do that stuff already.” unquote. Service to others, serving the community, or
even Rotary’s motto, Service above Self, does not differentiate local Rotary
clubs from other charitable or service organizations. (Reference: What Is Rotary.)
Clubs must
differentiate to retain and attract local business, professional, and community
leaders. Whether we Rotarians admit it
or not, these people already are, as the Chicago
female said, ‘doing that stuff already.’ While Service above Self is a wonderful motto
and annual themes could be effective in inspiring leadership teams, they do not
differentiate Rotary in the eyes of potential Rotarians because Rotary is not What Rotary Does; Rotary is Who Rotarians Are.
I have spent over
forty-five of my seventy-seven years as a Rotarian. In that time I have
participated in ‘doing that stuff’ inside and outside the realm
of Rotary. I have remained in Rotary, not
because of ‘that stuff’ that was or
is being done by the club, Rotary International, or The Rotary
Foundation. I have remained a Rotarian
because I like to associate with people who get things done because they adopted Rotary's Ideal of Service; people who make an impact in our community and the world.

Interesting thoughts.