It is perfectly natural for leaders to gravitate to people
who they like and like them; to show favor to those who agree with and work
hard to support their efforts. It's easy
and satisfying for leaders to give choice, prestigious assignments to loyal followers.
This encourages supporters to strive a bit harder - toward the leaders' ways of
thinking. In start-up organizations
these practices often spell the difference between success and failure.
The most effective way to break intellectual inbreeding is
to infuse seeds of thought from outside the Rotary family, which RI did when it
contracted with Siegel+Gale (SG).
Thankfully SG's findings challenged inbred mindsets and practices. There
is of course the inherit resistance to change, one of many obstacles that has
to be overcome. Change must be led by a
guiding coalition that wants and is prepared to lead it. Preparation - education and training - is
critical and has to begin with some wonderful, dedicated people - RI's officers and directors. They are today's leaders
and are influencing tomorrow's leaders as they were influenced by yesterday's
leaders - intellectual inbreeding in its most seductive costume. This insidious
form of idea depression contributed to the fall of General Motors, the Kodak bankruptcy, the meltdown of several major financial institutions, and has
infected RI. It is simply unfair to the
Rotary world to expect officers and directors to govern and lead RI into the future if they are ill-prepared and do not receive the information they need to
help them make informed decisions and recommendations. Throughout Rotary, RI officers and directors influence
conventions, assemblies, institutes, seminars, and conferences - training
grounds for future leaders. They must be firmly grounded in fundamental objectives,
responsibilities, and duties; basics they simply cannot get solely from internal

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