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Retention Central is monitored occasionally by its creator, Jim Henry, who may be contacted by email at

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Retain to Gain Part 4

Retain to Gain
Part 4

A Guiding Coalition must establish an  
Attainable Vision

Retain to Gain Part 6

Retain to Gain
Part 6

You have a Strategic Plan, but the mid-term goals have not been reached.  The major reason Guiding Coalitions do not meet Strategic Plan's goals is because they have failed to . . . . 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Retain to Gain Part 5


Retain to Gain  

Part 5

Create a Strategic Plan
In order to create a systematic strategic plan for long-term survival, any organization must center its plan on satisfying its customers by establishing a distinctive position . . .  to continue reading, click here,