. . . . because it cannot decide what it wants to be!
Does it want to be an international organization dedicated to assisting local clubs in fulfilling the Object of Rotary - - - Or does it want to be an international organization dedicated to improving lives through educational and humanitarian programs funded by The Rotary Foundation?
Rotary History tells us that from its beginning, Rotary's purpose was to create Rotarians. That expanded into creating
clubs and supporting them in creating Rotarians and fulfilling the Object of
Rotary, which is a process of thought (not a call for social engineering or
action.) For almost ninety years, centered on this purpose, Rotary grew. Then Rotary's purpose gradually evolved into
improving lives through educational and humanitarian programs. This evolution changed Rotary's culture from
being a member-centered (customer-centered) organization into being beneficiary-centered. That was a major, and potentially fatal,
mistake. Beneficiaries don't pay dues or
make donations.

Polio eradication is probably the external priority and could very well have given birth to Rotary's change of purpose and culture. Polio eradication is a worldwide humanitarian
social action unlike any other ever undertaken.
But it is only a service project, a product of Rotarians fulfilling the Object
of Rotary. Like any service project, it
must be completed. But for Rotary,
that's a goal. Rotary could continue
to treat it as a priority, but that will only perpetuate confusion and is
Rotary's business brain allowing its emotional heart to lead the way.
President-Elect Ravi is encouraging clubs to improve membership retention by one percent. This
alone could begin to change Rotary's culture back to creating Rotarians. Yet some incoming club leaders have been led
to believe that their district's priority is to be their Zone's top foundation contributor. More confusion, and think about this: North America continually leads the world in foundation contributions. In the last 12 years Rotary in North America has lost over 63,000 Rotarians - and
potential Foundation donors. If this
trend continues, what's going to happen to Rotary? To the foundation?
let's clarify this confusion. According
to Rotary's Code of Policies, districts
exist solely to help the individual clubs advance the Object of Rotary and
should not tend to diminish services provided by clubs and individual Rotarians
on the local level. The Code of Policies
also encourages all districts with fewer than 75 clubs and 2,700 Rotarians to
strive to reach those numbers. The
Siegel+Gale research clearly shows that people join and stay in Rotary to make
friends and contacts: to make local impacts; to have people recognize and value
their profession, and to work with leaders.
That pretty much lines up with the Object of Rotary's process of thought.

Update - The Board of Directors in 2015 made membership Rotary's top operational priority. The eradication of polio remains its top program priority. Both decisions are in keeping with the RI Constitution and Bylaws.