Readers have voiced opinions about RIPE Ravi 's
goal to increase retention rates by 1% and my repeated comments about Rotary posting
membership retention information.
Posting membership information is the simplest to address. Yes - this Rotatorialist is aware that Rotary
publishes membership reports. Membership and many other reports can be
viewed and downloaded by going to the Rotary website and log onto My
Rotary. Scroll down and click on Rotary
Club Central - View Goals. A page ultimately appears. On the
left menu, select Reports.
This Rotatorial references Club Reports - Member Viability and Growth.
The second more frequent and important topic related
to the Presidential Citation's 1% retention increase, and it being visionary.
It is visionary because it communicates the importance of creating Rotarians,
without whom Rotary has no future. Actions now affect Rotary's future, and RIPE Ravi is communicating that by prioritizing membership. That, for Rotary, is visionary.
About the 1% - how it will be calculated and
applied was a common concern and has been answered. See Every Measure is described on the Presidential Citation FAQ page:
One district's past governor sent me copies of his district's July, 2011 - June 2014 Member Viability and Growth report. On July 1, 2011, District XXXX had 3,010 members. During the three-year period, its clubs inducted 1,059 new members. On June 30, 2014, the district had 2,822* members. Its new member three-year retention percentage was 67.52% and its existing member retention percentage was 70%. *Under the regressive 'net gain' system, this district's three-year loss would be reported as 188 members when was actual 1,247 members.

Converting this to combined annual information, its one-year (annual) average percentages are: retention, 86%; growth, - 2.2%; RG Index, 83.8%.

· "What are realistic annual retention and growth rates?"
· "What
retention rates are needed to return to a growth state?"
The pictured Excel spreadsheets are available upon request. Email Be sure to put Retention Rate Index in the subject line or your email will get lost in my SPAM filter. In the spreadsheet, the user can change the aqua cell values and dates. All calculations are built in.
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