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Friday, May 8, 2015

The Object of Rotary Transcends Social Action

   Rotary's history tells us that the Object of Rotary advances a timeless, generic category of thought.
    And there is good reason for this: Advancing the Object of Rotary has been, and still is, relevant in and to any social fabric any time and any place.  The Object of Rotary is not a call for social engineering or action.  Rotarians who embrace its category of thought convert it into family, professional, and social action.  Many, individually and collectively, apply its ideal of service locally and internationally, which is why Rotarians make the world better . . . one community at the time. 
     Until recent decades, advancing the Object of Rotary - beginning with the first - was the root of Rotary's growth.  Have inconsistent corporate practices, messaging, and goals displaced the importance of creating Rotarians who will advance the Object of Rotary?

Unabashed Promotional Note
This Rotatorial, slightly edited, first appeared in the May, 2015 Rotary Global History Fellowship's (FGHF) monthly newsletter.

Personal note:  
I'll be enjoying Guinness, Irish whiskey, and wonderful fellowship in the Emerald Isle for a few weeks.
Let's prioritize creating Rotarians so many more who have our psychographic and behavioral characteristics can enjoy the value of being a Rotarian; 
those who make the world a better place - 
one community at the time!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Rotary's Differentiating Value Proposition

What is IT?

  Past District 6950 Governor Carl Treleaven, at D-6960's 2015 Assembly gave an eye-opening, mind-stretching keynote presentation worthy of a TED Ideas Worth Spreading talk on Rotary's Differentiating Value Proposition.  In the following days, several present, past, and future district and club leaders had an interesting and, to some, enlightening email discussion.  It became quite clear that many Rotarians did not, and do not, know what Rotary's Differentiating Value Proposition is.  Someone mentioned that very few clubs display IT.  So I suggested that the questions should be, "Why aren't clubs displaying IT?  Why don't Rotarians know IT?"  Is it because Rotary leaders do not promote IT?  Is it possible they do not know IT?  
  Some discussion participants mentioned that IT is too wordy; that IT is difficult to read and understand so there was no need to display IT.  Admittedly, IT could not be expressed in a tweet, but PDG Carl proved them wrong about understanding IT in his twenty-five minute presentation.  When he finished, the over one hundred assembly attendees understood IT.  So, in my opinion, the reason that IT is not displayed on banners in clubs and/or understood by Rotarians is that nobody talks about ITMost Rotarians demonstrate IT by living IT.  Rotary Public Information communicates the results of IT, but not why IT attracts, retains, and benefits Rotarians.  The reason - IT is an ageless process of thought.