As Rotarians age,
many body parts no longer serve the purpose for which they were designed. It is not uncommon for Rotarians,
particularly in the case of accidents, to be put on life support, hoping that their
non-functioning organs will once again become functional. Sometimes they do, but often, particularly in
aged Rotarians, they don't, and the Rotarian becomes a memory.
So what does this
have to do with The Rotarian magazine? According
to the Rotary International (RI) By-Laws paragraph 20.010, the purpose of The
Rotarian shall be to serve as a
medium to assist the board (RI Board of Directors) in furthering the purposes of
RI and the Object of Rotary. According
to the financial analysis in the 2016 Council on Legislation's proposed enactment
16-97, The Rotarian generates approximately US$1.2 million annual
revenue over costs.
Is The
Rotarian accomplishing its purpose?
This is an important question that requires unbiased examination and
response simply because if the subscribers do not consider it useful, they will not read it. If it is not being read, it cannot be accomplishing its
purpose. In addition, RI is known for being an organization that
promotes high ethical standards. What ethical, and business management, perception is it delivering by continuing to mandate
life support to an organ that may be non-functioning? The only accurate, objective manner to
determine how many subscribers find it useful is for subscription to be
RI must face
reality. Its purpose is to create Rotarians. Its objective is to advance the Object of Rotary. These fundamentals
have not changed, but Rotarians and times have.
Years ago, when The Rotarian began circulation, it
probably was accomplishing its purpose because printed media was the major
means of universal communication. Today,
many in the Silent and late Boomer generations (over 60) still gather
functional information from printed media, but most Rotarians in the early
Boomer, X, and Y generations primarily use electronic media, mainly tablets and
smart phones. The printed version is an
attractive magazine; the on-line version is okay on desktop monitors but is
less user friendly on tablets and smart phones.

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