Its actually a good thing if some prospective members choose not to join your club.

(Page 45 - The End of Membership as We Know it - Sarah L. Sladek)
Paraphrased in Rotary terms, "Your attributes may change, but the core needs of Rotarians will
never change. Everyone joins wanting a
problem solved and everyone wants the experience to be positive, ultimately
resulting in relationship-building opportunities."
The critical fundamental is that everyone joins an
organization like a Rotary club to satisfy personal wants or needs, not to
solve the organization's wants or needs. That's the subtle but vital difference between attract and recruit thought processes. Ms. Sladek's final comment brings
out the joiner's ultimate goal: relationship-building opportunities. With this in mind, two critical questions
jump out:
1. Are the members of
your organization the type with whom your prospective member would want to
build a relationship?
2. Is the prospective
member someone with whom your organization's members would want to
build a relationship?
Answers to these questions should be filtered out prior to a
person being invited to join your Rotary club, or any similar organization. In Rotary, by far the best way to do this is
to make sure prospective members are fully aware of the problem solving and
opportunistic benefits your club offers.
And beware of the potentially fatal announcement, "My guest is a potential member." Members often believe this to be a compliment to their guest. Actually it frequently puts the guest in an awkward
position and gives to them a negative impression. Ms. Sladek was guest at an organization's luncheon and experienced a similar event. Consider reading, on page 51, her thoughts and emotions.

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