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Retention Central is monitored occasionally by its creator, Jim Henry, who may be contacted by email at

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Take Branding to the Clubs!

What are Rotary clubs and What do Rotary clubs do?

Zone 34 RC Jim Henry tailored a Branding presentation for the District 6900 Assembly, and prepared a handout for all session attendees. The handout was prepared from the PowerPoint notes pages, and had a few written exercises. These are available for download should Rotarians want to do so.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Who Funds Rotary?

It is not clubs, districts, Rotary International, or The Rotary Foundation that funds the worldwide privileges and services of Rotary. They only handle the money and furnish the opportunities. It is the local Rotarian who finds it beneficial to fund operations and to advance the Object of Rotary.
Jim Henry, Zone 34 Rotary Coordinator, April, 2011

Is your Rotary club really a Rotary club?

Can your club's board of directors affirm that your club is really a Rotary club and have confidence that their affirmation adheres to the Four-Way Test? To read more thoughts about this from Zone 34 Coordinator Jim Henry,click here. . .