"Why Rotary?" today is the same as "Why Rotary?" in
its early, growing years. Historically, Rotary International (RI) centered on Who Rotarians Were - diverse local groups of
business, professional, and community leaders with creative minds that connected
to make their communities and the world better by advancing the Object of

The first Object of Rotary, developing acquaintances (membership) is, or at least should be, Rotary's number one priority, simply because without Rotarians it will not exist. To demonstrate the importance of
this "Why Rotary?" fundamental, consider examining Rotary's
worldwide service project - polio eradication.
Going it alone, the World Health Organization (WHO), after spending $US billions,
had little success in conquering polio. Why
did Rotary leaders believe their involvement with the WHO would make
eliminating polio possible? Did they
intend to have Rotarians put two little drops of the polio vaccine on the
tongues of all children in the world? Of
course not! Those Rotary leaders believed
that Rotarians - independent business, professional, and community leaders of
different ethnicities, religious orders, genders, economic systems,
generations, and political structures - had the vision and desire to accomplish
a goal that not just anybody could. Today,
the task is almost complete primarily because Rotarians used, and continue to
use, their imaginative minds, personal resources, and leadership skills to
influence local and national tribal, religious, and political leaders to commit
to freeing their children from polio. In
the mean time, using the same skill sets, they raised billions of $US to
support the effort.