This may come as a surprise, but I like the new logo! My favorite old-fashion Rotary symbol is in
this BLOG's header. But examine it and
our new logo from a non-Rotarian's point of view. My favorite symbol, when it is on
a banner like this or a letterhead, the words "Rotary International" are legible. But let's assume a non-Rotarian is driving
and glances at a project sign, billboard or a sign like the one pictured. Unless they have had some interconnection
with the Rotary Organism it represents, how could they mentally connect the emblem with anything Rotary?
A logo is not a brand - it is a symbol that represents the
organization's brand promises. To Rotary advocates, either logo will stimulate
an emotional reaction. But our Retention and Growth Rates have been broadcasting that we - Rotarians, clubs, districts,
zones, Rotary International, and The Rotary Foundation - have not, particularly
in North America , been communicating and
delivering brand promises that connect the symbol to our target audiences. The Seigel+Gale Research report and many
previous Rotatorials on this BLOG tell us why.
The first and foremost reason is that the Rotary Organism cannot agree
on what business it is in or who its target audiences are. Therefore, as of about thirty years ago,
there was no way the Organism could communicate and deliver its brand promises because brands are authenticated only by target audiences!

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