NEWS FLASH - The RI Board officially recognizes that membership development and retention is RI's most important
internal issue and acknowledges the urgency of membership development and
retention to the future of Rotary.
Here is an excerpt from
pages 4 & 5 of the October 2014 Board Meeting Minutes:
44. Support
Structure for Membership Efforts
Statement: Noting that
membership development and retention is RI's most important internal issue, the Operations Review Committee reviewed Rl's governance
structure supporting membership development and retention efforts over the last
20 years. The committee suggested several strategies for strengthening this
governance structure.
receives the Operations Review Committee's recommendations regarding the governance
support structure for Rotary's membership development and retention efforts
1. acknowledges the urgency of membership
development and retention to the future of Rotary and the need for a stable
governance support structure to support these initiatives;
2. requests the president to appoint a committee
of three to five directors to study the following membership support-related
proposals for report to the Board at its May 2015 meeting:
a. the creation of a new volunteer leadership team to
focus on membership and retention issues that provides for the possibility of
continuity of membership on the leadership team, such group to serve as
clearing house for all membership development and retention proposals that come
from Rotary committees;
b. to ensure continuity of leadership at the district
level, modified terms of reference for the district membership chair to provide
for a three year term in manner similar to the district Rotary Foundation
committee chair;
c. an enhanced volunteer structure at the local level
to support membership development and retention initiatives;
d. the development of a pilot program in select areas
of the world that would provide for local and regional
staff to assist clubs and districts in implementing membership development and
retention initiatives.

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