The network's purpose and objective are so elementary that
they are seldom discussed in seminars, assemblies, or institutes. Before telling you what they are, let's
diverge for just a moment and allow the Hopeful Rotarian to reminisce about what he considers the
greatest benefit of being a Rotarian - developing friendships with other
Rotarians. Staying in touch, regardless of the means, maintains these friendships. Every once in a while, because of who
Rotarians are, someone comes up with an issue they believe should
be addressed. Through similar relationships worldwide, many other Rotarians, often working with Rotary associates and utilizing Rotary International (RI) attributes, have created parks,
playgrounds, schools, school supplies, water systems, medical supplies, generators,
safe stoves, wheel chairs, artificial limbs, the worldwide polio eradication
initiative, and a legion of other local and international projects and programs.
But let's get back to the Rotary network's basic purpose and
objective. RI did not intend to be
instrumental or influential in producing local and/or international projects. Rotary clubs were not organized to perform community service projects. Yet the
world is a better place because each entity, pursuing their purpose, created and sustain the Rotary network. The network's history is saturated with examples of
the world becoming a better place because Rotary clubs' members pursued its common objective. To keep these interconnecting relationships occurring RI must prioritize and continually pursue its only purpose: Chartering New and Strengthening existing Rotary clubs. Rotary clubs must prioritize and continually pursue their only purpose: Retaining and Attracting Members. Of course, the common objective of both is the Object of Rotary.
These are simple Rotary basics, yet seldom are they even mentioned,
much less is their importance discussed, at institutes, seminars, or assemblies. Rotary leaders at all levels change
frequently. Without an effective,
continual Internal Marketing initiative centered on WHY these basics are important, many clubs will continue to drift like ships without rudders. It should be considered unforgivable for
Rotary leaders, at any level, not to be able to intelligently discuss the purpose
and objective of each segment of the Rotary network.

The Hopeful Rotarian wishes all of you a Happy Holiday Season. If all goes well, we will be in touch next year.
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