These may not be RIPE Ravindran's exact words, but close
enough! At last, one of those who
represent all Rotarians recognizes that R.I. is a member-supported not-for-profit business and that
Rotarians, dues paying members, are its customers, the ones R.I. should be
encouraging its member clubs to serve, instead of continually expecting the members to serve clubs, R.I. or
TRF. This solves two of the major obstacles that have been preventing R.I. and its members clubs from concentrating efforts on creating Rotarians and should help R.I. overcome its Sisyphus Complex.
Many challenges remain, but R.I. should now work toward eliminating silos by having all efforts centered on creating Rotarians. One immediate, low cost way would be to get
Big Data working toward creating Rotarians by furnishing and publishing for all
Rotarians to see - without going through Rotary Club Central - simplified but
vital membership information. This should include Retention Rates, Growth Rates and RG Indexes for clubs, districts, zones, and regions. All Rotarians and Rotary Associates must be aware of how many customers are being attracted and run off. In addition, for
planning and budgeting R.I. Directors, TRF Trustees, and all Coordinators should
be aware of RLVs (Rotarian Lifetime Values.)

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