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Retention Central is monitored occasionally by its creator, Jim Henry, who may be contacted by email at

Monday, March 21, 2011


Rotary's Program-Project Prophecy - This prophecy sounds like a self-fulfilling journey to the Promised Land of Membership Retention and Growth.

BUT, it will only come to pass . . . . To continue reading, please click here

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Reversing A Membership Freefall

Last year RC Jim Henry published a series of eight articles on Reversing our Membership Freefall. After this year's Zone 34 Seminars, both regional and local, we believe that the thoughts and concepts discussed can shed light on steps clubs and districts should take. The easy-to-read articles could be most useful to all levels of 2011-12 Rotary leaders.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

So the question should be "WHO IS ROTARY?"

"What is Rotary?" We frequently ask ourselves this question as we attempt to explain our commitment to Rotary. But the question to which we should determine the answer is "Who is Rotary?"

What Comes First?

Before understanding the complexities of Public Relations comes defining Rotary's Distinctive Position, or Brand. Before defining Rotary's Distinctive Position comes identifying Rotary's Target Audience. These simple steps make it easy to understand that EVERYTHING a Rotary club does is Public Relations and should broadcast its Distinctive Position to its Target Audience, without which the entire Rotary organization would not exist.

Here are the links to the PowerPoint and Notes Pages of Zone 34 Rotary Coordinator Jim Henry's presentation before a large Pre-Florida PETS audience.