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Monday, November 12, 2012

President Ray Klinginsmith was SPOT ON!

     In 2010-11, President Ray wanted Rotary clubs to implement projects and programs so they would become Bigger, Better, and Bolder!  In doing so, he may very well have, in the long run, altered the course of membership in Rotary.
    The approaches used to present the Bigger, Better, and Bolder concept would have been more effective had the metric used to measure successes been understood and practiced.  So let’s continue striving to assist clubs to become Bigger, Better, and Bolder, but use the appropriate metric, which should trigger more effective approaches and successes.
    Columnist Nicholas Kristof said, “Let’s remember that while charity has a mixed record of helping others, it has an almost perfect record of helping ourselves.  Helping others may be as primal as food or sex.”  In the past, projects and programs were implemented to serve those in need.  To Rotary clubs and Rotary International, this, in fact, is the secondary value of all projects and programs.  The primary value is to satisfy the need Rotary club members have to help others while helping themselves.  Understanding this will help R.I. and club associates deliver value to club members which will help retain and attract members!  So let's continue what President Ray started, but deliver the value to club members and use the proper metric-retention and growth indexes-to measure successes.  (To read about the 'Only True Measure of an Effective Club . . .' please look under most frequently read on the right sidebar.)
    For a club president’s take on this, please read ‘MM #5 Touch Points’ on the right sidebar.

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