a club responsibility," is a common comment from Rotary International
(R.I.) leaders, usually followed by "Rotary
International cannot tell clubs what to do." The first statement often depends on the
subject being discussed, but the latter statement is true. Clubs are autonomous. R.I. cannot and should not try to tell clubs
what to do, BUT R.I. certainly can INFLUENCE what its member clubs do. So how does R.I. go about INFLUENCING its
member clubs?
The first, and most important,
fundamental for R.I. or any other organization that wants to gain INFLUENCE is
to know what business it is in. Since
the majority of R.I.'s income depends on present and future Rotarians joining
R.I. chartered local Rotary clubs, both are R.I.'s customers, therefore, R.I.
is in the membership business. This is
essential because, if R.I. wants to increase its worldwide INFLUENCE with those who count, it must
do so by gaining INFLUENCE with and respecting those who count, its customers - member clubs and present and future Rotarians.
Next after knowing your business,
is to serve or deliver something of value to your customers. Serve before asking, or expecting, to be
served, and respect those you are serving.
The better one serves, i.e. delivers value, the more INFLUENCE one will
gain. This same principle is at work
when it comes to networking, which is forgettable unless one serves or contributes
something of value to those with whom one wishes to network.
It is essential for R.I. to
maintain a high standard in its chosen business. This means that all of R.I.'s communications
and actions must exceed the expectations of those whom R.I. wishes to INFLUENCE
because example is not a necessary tool for INFLUENCE, it is the ONLY tool! Clubs and Rotarians will, as time passes, see
that R.I.'s actions and communications match, which will gain INFLUENCE. Clubs will follow only if led by example.
Respect and trust are basic to
gaining INFLUENCE. Both require R.I. knowing
the business it is in, serving its member clubs in a greater manner than it wishes
to be served, and leading by example.
Only then will it be in a position to inspire and motivate clubs and
their members to attract and retain Rotarians.

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