Big Data can work for or against attaining goals. Complicated reports, which are all too common
in this electronic age, can work against goals because few leaders will bother
to filter and manipulate the data to get information they consider important. Useful reports should be simple, accurate, and furnish only the information necessary to help make decisions.
Rotary International's (R.I.) purpose is to create Rotarians. Its membership reports should be simple, accurate, and easily accessible.
As a Past District Governor and former Rotary Coordinator, a report similar to the one pictured would have been wonderful. In the pictured report names are fictitious and membership numbers representative. Note that the report presents club presidents and district leaders with comparative numbers. It also presents Directors and Coordinators with a clear Zone Membership Status.
In this report, which club(s) should be recognized for membership achievements? Which club(s) could use assistance in what action - retention or attraction? What would be helpful educational programs for Directors, Coordinators, District Governors, Presidents, Membership chairs?

(The Excel Spreadsheet pictured is available upon request.)