the last century the world's population grew and generally became more
affluent. Rotary International (RI), an
association of local, autonomous Rotary clubs, flourished. Its charitable subsidiary, The Rotary
Foundation, thrived by internally marketing worthwhile projects and programs that attracted contributions,
primarily from members of North American Rotary clubs. Toward the end of the century, RI undertook
an ambitious worldwide service project to eliminate polio. But on the horizon of this sunny optimistic
future, a sinister, dark cloud loomed.
Income from dues-paying members stagnated. Club membership in North America and some other regions began a gradual,
steady decline. To reverse this trend, RI leaders assumed that all they had to do was come up with tools that would encourage clubs to get more members.
This self-centered assumption made it easy for RI's leaders to be seduced by the same siren melody that victimized many, and doomed a few, successful organizations. It is not uncommon for leaders to believe
that by concentrating on getting better at refining and improving their attributes,
projects and programs that membership development is simply a matter of recruiting more members. What leaders have
difficulty comprehending, some until it is too late, is that their
organizations should approach developing membership by being innovative in
creating ways that their attributes, projects and programs enhance the
membership experience.