doesn't make sense for Rotary to attract smart members with enterprising minds
then tell them how to pursue its objective.
They should be telling Rotary how.

Perhaps it started when "the little California club that could" told Rotary that to advance the Object of Rotary in their community, it needed local leaders who happened to be female. Rotary told them that was not the way to pursue its objective. The little club pressed, and we all know what happened. During the same time period, Rotary began the pursuit of eradicating polio from the world. As time passed, eradicating polio became not only Rotary's objective, but its obsession. Few can effectively argue that Rotary communicated, particularly in
happened to Rotary on the way to helping rid the world of polio: Rotary leaders forgot that Rotary's objective was to advance the Object of Rotary, which transcends social action. They became centered on this obsession and lost the concept that
pursuing the elimination of polio was a result of Rotarians advancing the Object of Rotary
and that TRF was, and still is, a Rotary attribute that helps them do so.

"Why is it an eye
opener?" I asked.
"Both long term
and new Rotarians had virtually the same amount of knowledge of the Object of
Rotary. That is none."
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