In this Rotatorial, Rotary means Rotary International (R.I.) and The Rotary Foundation (TRF).
Marketing is not advertising for members or bragging about what Rotary
has done. Simply put, Marketing Multiplies Membership by communicating and delivering an organization's differentiating value (its brand promise) to external and internal audiences. But which target audience takes priority?
In the Siegel+Gale research, a Rotary Leadership source
said, quote, "Rotarians don't understand who or what we are. We have to educate ourselves and our members first, before we can successfully do so with the general public." (Page 29 of this linked document.)

Changes needed to put Rotary on course for steady customer (member and donor) growth must come through Rotary's senior leaders, not by dictate or Top Down Attitudes but through
transformational leadership and actions that communicate priority, consistency,
support, understanding, confidence, and trust. Only then will associates
believe that a permanent change is taking place and
enthusiastically support it. IM must be an on-going process whereby all
interconnections consistently align, motivate, support, exemplify, and deliver
Rotary's differentiating brand promise for the purpose of attaining Rotary's desired result. Otherwise, associates will be lackadaisical while waiting until next year when new leaders with different emphases take office.

Red text indicates links to other documents.
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