Ask a person to join your Rotary club and membership will grow.
This statement might be true, but it is not validated because
of this invalid argument:
Ask a person to join your
Rotary club.
The person joins your
Rotary club.
Therefore, membership
This argument could be true, but it is not valid because the conclusion assumes:
- Rotary club membership is static (stable).
- The person remains a member.
Both assumptions depend on clubs retaining more members than
they ask to join, an unrealistic assumption. Rotary membership is dynamic and depends
on Rotarians participating in Rotary's Circle of Life. To grow membership, clubs must identify and
address their dynamics. Consider downloading and circulating, from the right
sidebar, Zone 30's M&Ms and Membership Thoughts from Around the World. District 7980's 'Seven Steps to a Sexy Club' is a new addition.