for the many good things that have
happened to me and my family because of Who Rotarians Are and the meaningful opportunities
made available through your attributes.
Since 1966 my family and I have had so many wonderful experiences we
could write an anthology.
A special thanks goes to those who have followed this BLOG
and given serious thought to the opinions and publications presented. Retention
Central has centered on membership retention because clubs have very little difficulty attracting members, and Rotary's membership situation, particularly
in North America , is serious. Rotary's strength lies in its worldwide
network of local clubs; each an autonomous alliance populated by local business,
professional, and community leaders; people who do not have to be told what to
do. Excite them about the available opportunities that can help them make their lives, community, and the world better. They will do the rest. And there is absolutely no question that the only universally accurate measure of a club's effectiveness is its ability to retain and attract members.
While my tag line recently has been the Angry Rotarian, I am
not, and cannot be, angry at Rotary or Rotarians in general. My anger is attributed to those leaders who have
given, and continue to give, higher priority to Rotary's attributes, including the
Rotary Foundation, than to the business Rotary is in and recognizing who it is that keeps Rotary in business - its customers - the average dues
paying Rotarians; local leaders with enterprising minds who are making their
community and the world a better place.
I will be forever grateful to the Rotarians who, through Rotary, have influenced my life and helped make it better. For me, life is approaching the horizon. The body has slowed, but the mind, mouth, fingers, and keyboard are still quite active.
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